Celeste's Protean Performances
A Companion Site for Sara E. Lampert's
A Companion Site for Sara E. Lampert's
SHEAR 2024 Paper
SHEAR 2024 Paper
Engravings of Celeste in The French Spy from the New York Public Library Performing Arts Library. These images circulated as part of a broader Anglo-Atlantic celebrity culture.
Engravings of Celeste in The French Spy from the New York Public Library Performing Arts Library. These images circulated as part of a broader Anglo-Atlantic celebrity culture.
A description of costumes for The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish from Samuel French's Acting Edition.
A description of costumes for The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish from Samuel French's Acting Edition.
Joseph Mozier's 1865 sculpture, Wept of Wish-ton-Wish, offers another interpretation of the character.
Joseph Mozier's 1865 sculpture, Wept of Wish-ton-Wish, offers another interpretation of the character.
Upon her return to London in 1840, Celeste appeared as Miami the Huntress in J. B. Buckstone's The Green Bushes. She performed this role during successive American tours in 1842, 1851, and 1865.
Upon her return to London in 1840, Celeste appeared as Miami the Huntress in J. B. Buckstone's The Green Bushes. She performed this role during successive American tours in 1842, 1851, and 1865.
Celeste's repertoire remained a fixture of American entertainment for decades. For example, in the 1860s, these cartes-de-visite were used to market "Marie Zoe, The Cuban Sylph." From the Harvard Theatre Collection.
Celeste's repertoire remained a fixture of American entertainment for decades. For example, in the 1860s, these cartes-de-visite were used to market "Marie Zoe, The Cuban Sylph." From the Harvard Theatre Collection.
In this trio of images, Zoe wears the costume of "Hamet" in The French Spy. In the image on the right, she prepares to shoot the arrow containing the map of secret tunnels allowing the French to attack Constantina.
Another theatrical image of Marie Zoe. This could be either be Wept of Wish-ton-Wish or Miami, which is more likely given the rifle.
Another theatrical image of Marie Zoe. This could be either be Wept of Wish-ton-Wish or Miami, which is more likely given the rifle.